“We would worry less if we praised more. Thanksgiving is the enemy of discontent and dissatisfaction.” ― Harry A. Ironside This morning I stopped at my local convenience store to grab some dish-washing liquid. I’d just dropped my daughter and her friend at the freshmen campus. It was cold. A layer of snow lingered on […]
Like many of you, I’ve spent much of my life toiling in a cubicle. That drab, utilitarian landscape adopted by so many corporations. Oddly, what is now disdained as Orwellian furniture, originated in a quest for liberation and equality. Created in 1968 by Herman Miller furniture designer Robert Propst in an effort to breakdown the […]
I’m not a big fan of professional sports. I watch them. But not consistently. Years ago I became disillusioned by what I perceived to be excessive compensation, egocentricity and poor morals. Seemed like a waste of time, talent and money so I checked out. But during the NFL playoffs, I occasionally watch a game or […]
I like Tuesdays. I’ve never disliked Tuesdays but I like them more now. You see, Tuesdays are $5 movie days at our local theater. And since my daughter is gainfully employed she likes to take her dad on a date. Even better, my daughter loves action movies. For years, I’ve submitted to a parade of […]