Writing is hard. Even though I love to write, it takes time and time is precious. But the benefits of writing outweigh the cost for me. Writing keeps me focused. It clears my mind and organizes my thoughts. It’s also one way I share. I like to give things to people and writing is one […]
Be Balanced
Below you will find posts about why and how to live a balanced life.
What are you clinging to that’s preventing you from reaching your next destination? Last night I was winding down after serving at the Healing Center. I like TV shows about real events, especially history and biography shows. Recently I started watching I Shouldn’t be Alive. Survival shows are interesting because they reveal how people react […]
Last week’s earthquake in Japan was a sobering reminder for many Japanese they must always be prepared for a visitation from the sea. But thanks to a sophisticated early warning system and painful memories of the tragic March 11, 2011 quake, residents knew what to do this time– stop everything and get to higher ground. […]
Looking for something to give this holiday season? Why not give the gift of change? The ability to adapt and change is essential to life success and it’s a valuable, yet inexpensive, gift you can give your family and friends. If you’re like me you probably have a few habits, some good, some not so […]
Do you know someone who’s resistant to change? Are you one of those people? My personality type likes to plan and that can make it difficult to enjoy change. But for the last 20 years I have experienced more than my fair share of change, including several re-locations, innumerable re-orgs, a long list of job […]
Do you ever feel stressed? That’s probably a stupid question. I think we all feel stressed at times. Research indicates that the top causes of stress in 2012 are work, money and the economy. Go figure. Psychologists suggest that one way to reduce stress is to simplify your life. But how? I like the way […]