This week I was thinking of the things I’m thankful for. It’s an exercise I try to practice regularly. I started down my usual list: home, work, family, church, food, water, warm showers, clothes. Then I had an epiphany. I was thankful for all the wrong things. Those things are great but they haven’t really […]
Be Thankful
Below you’ll discover posts about why and how you should be thankful.
“We would worry less if we praised more. Thanksgiving is the enemy of discontent and dissatisfaction.” ― Harry A. Ironside This morning I stopped at my local convenience store to grab some dish-washing liquid. I’d just dropped my daughter and her friend at the freshmen campus. It was cold. A layer of snow lingered on […]
Today is Thanksgiving, a day we traditionally take a moment to reflect on what is good and wholesome in our lives. But the cooking, cleaning, celebrating, shopping, parading and everything else can cloud or obscure the true meaning of this holiday. The Thanksgiving most Americans celebrate has its origins in a feast celebrated by the […]
I have a tendency to really focus on destinations. As a result I often miss meaningful moments along the way. Recently I was tent camping in Rocky Mountain National Forest (what an amazingly beautiful place) and had the opportunity to hike in some of the most beautiful mountains in North America. I set out early […]
Life can throw situations at us that do not always seem fair. Maybe you did not get the promotion that you wanted, maybe you lost a loved one, maybe your dream seems to be on hold. In the Bible there is a story about two men, Paul and Silas who were pursuing their dream to […]