5 Easy Office Fitness Tips

Lately, I have been working on developing some easy ways to improve my physical fitness while at the office. Below are some suggestions:

  • Stand up during teleconference, webinar, or videoconference
  • Print to a printer on the other side of the office, you walk farther
  • Use a restroom that is on the other side of the office building, same as above…more walking

If you have an office door or don’t mind the occasional strange glance:

  • Try leaning pushups: sounds crazy but you can do a quick forty pushups by just leaning at 90 degrees toward a wall or desk surface
  • Or try a quick 25 tricep extensions using your office chair: Caution should be exercised if you have a rolling chair!

And always drink plenty of water! I prefer mine with ice…it burns more calories.

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Robert is the founder of RobertRizzo.com | Mediocrity-Free Living. He is passionate about helping people discover the rewards of daily giving.

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