51 Low-cost and No-cost Things You Can Give Today

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No one has ever become poor by giving.
Anne Frank

Monumental vs. Incremental Giving

Have you every wished you had something to give someone but didn’t know what? I’ve often been guilty of thinking that giving had to be a big donation of time, skills or money. I call this monumental giving.


But I discovered that by simply sharing daily low-cost or no-cost acts of selflessness, I could have a big impact on someone’s life and I felt happier and more fulfilled. I call this incremental giving.


Some of the best things we can give are not money at all, like gentleness, comfort, a smile or a shoulder to lean on.

Give Something Today

So I want to encourage you to discover the joy of giving. Check out the list below and choose something that you can give away today.

Once you discover the joy of giving, you may be back tomorrow looking for something else to give away. 🙂

Things you can give today:

  1. Your place in line
  2. Personal space
  3. Take the grocery cart back into the store
  4. A welcome home
  5. A smile
  6. A kiss
  7. A kind word
  8. An apology
  9. A gentle touch
  10. A friendly glance
  11. A listening ear
  12. Forgiveness
  13. A cup of coffee
  14. Lunch
  15. Half of your dessert
  16. All of your dessert 🙂
  17. A steady arm
  18. A hand up
  19. An email
  20. A tweet
  21. A text
  22. A phone call
  23. A few moments of time
  24. Advice
  25. A laugh
  26. A joke
  27. A handshake
  28. Appreciation
  29. Congratulations
  30. Love
  31. Tenderness
  32. Friendliness
  33. Chocolate anything
  34. A free meal
  35. Fairness
  36. Honesty
  37. Comfort
  38. A ride
  39. A pat on the back
  40. Help with a project
  41. Help with a deadline
  42. Extension on a deadline
  43. A recommendation on LinkedIn
  44. Anything bacon (I had to)
  45. Leadership
  46. Affirmation
  47. Recognition
  48. Moral support
  49. A shoulder to lean on
  50. Shelter under your umbrella
  51. Help with the overhead bin
What else can you think of? Add your ideas in the comments below.
Give yourself happy!


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Robert is the founder of RobertRizzo.com | Mediocrity-Free Living. He is passionate about helping people discover the rewards of daily giving.

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